What is the product specification?

Please see this page for details.

How can I change password?

Please change your password from this page. You must provide the correct old password for making any changes.

I want to delete my account?

You can delete your account from this page. Please notice after deletion we can't recover your account and data.

How to use my own domains for email?

You can manage your alias domains from this page.

How many domains can I setup?

It's unlimited currently.

Can I send spam or bulk messages?

You can't. If you do this, we may disable your account.

How can clients access the email?

  • IMAP: mail.omhost.net SSL Port:993
  • SMTP: mail.omhost.net StartTLS Port:587

Do you have backup?

We have daily backup for the whole system.

How fast is the support time?

We respond to any request from customers within one working day. Just write to us.